Posts Tagged ‘ roadtrip ’

My Thanksgiving Trip to see my Father in North Carolina

I decided against my sane mind to ride my Honda 919 up to North Carolina from Sunny Florida to visit my father and younger siblings for Thanksgiving.  It was COLD, but I had an amazing time.  Here are some of the pics, enjoy:

Key West, FL Motorcycle Trip April 2010

So I took a trip with 2 of my co-workers to Key West.  It was 806 miles round trip and it was amazing.  I saw so many wonderful things and had a blast riding through such awe inspiring terrain.  Here are some photos of my trip, I hope you can get a taste of what I saw.  Oh and all was good until the last 20 miles when the rain hit me 😦  It was pretty bad, but lucky for me it was at the very end of my trip.