Posts Tagged ‘ children ’

Things you can fit in Cortech Sport Bags

I have on my Honda 919 a set of Cortech Sport Bags and here are a few things that you can fit in them (I know this because I have carried these things)

a pineapple

gallon of milk

carton of eggs


ahi tuna

12 pack of beer

workout clothing

couple days worth of clothing and toiletries


Not all at once mind you, but at one time or another I have had such things in my bags 🙂

Yes, Dad can sew

Sometimes dads need to do other things besides ride motorcycles, and blow up bad guys on video games (Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is awesome by the way).


Moose Sock

Saturday Soccer

Soccer Saturday, I’m publishing this with my iPhone live from the end of the game.  My son’s team lost 2-0 but he had many attempts on goal.  The highlight of the game was his penalty kick he took that hit the crossbar of the goal and bounced out.  We had to register late because I was deployed so he is not playing on his usual competitive league.  I explained to him how this gives him a opportunity to help those kids who haven’t been playing soccer as long as he has out by showing and mentoring them.

He is doing great though.  This was their 1st game so they can take what they learned and use it to enhance their skills.

Oh, and on the video I mistakenly say that he scored… Oh, well, better luck next time right?

Frame sliders and my kids

Just put my frame sliders on my bike the other day, see here if you aren’t sure what those are (near bottom of page).  I was showing them off to my kids and figured it was time for a little photo opportunity.

Homework and dinner

Yeah, so as a single dad I end up grilling out quite a bit.  For tonight it was burgers with some colby jack cheese but unfortunately I forgot to get buns.  Luckily I had some rye bread handy.  Kids learn to enjoy all kinds of food when you introduce it to them in a way where they have to try it rather than offer them easy ways out.  I don’t ever use white bread and my kids love things that other kids don’t, like avocados, muscles, and artichoke.

My son was in the middle of doing his homework and I had to convince him to smile (by threatening to post a sillier picture of him instead of this one).