Archive for the ‘ A little bit of everything ’ Category

My Thanksgiving Trip to see my Father in North Carolina

I decided against my sane mind to ride my Honda 919 up to North Carolina from Sunny Florida to visit my father and younger siblings for Thanksgiving.  It was COLD, but I had an amazing time.  Here are some of the pics, enjoy:

R2D2 for Halloween

My daughter wanted to be R2D2 for Halloween so we made it from a trashcan

The New Super Heroes Are Coming to Internets Near You!

The world is at stake, we need new heroes.  Who will provide them. Where do heroes come from? Will they save us?

These questions and more will be answered in the as yet un-named comic book being created by Zach and Kids in the massive collaborative art project utilizing paint, intellect and imagination.

An object is heading towards earth, its scale is massive and it is as yet undetected.  How can this be? Even in this modern age something of this size could go through our atmosphere with no notice as it smashes into the mountains and leaks its innards onto this planet.  What does it contain? How will this alien substance affect us?  As strange things begin to happen and as new villans and heroes compete for the fate of the planet we must ask, will we be saved? Will what is left be worth saving?

Stay tuned for this amazing Comic book coming to the internets near you!

Zach & Kids…

Life is adventure, and fear…

Days blend to weeks and weeks to years.  We often find ourselves feeling spent and done with.  I feel that way lately, stressed about school, about work, and about the finalizing of my divorce.  Not to mention bills and such.  Then I look at life, look at those around me, the strangers I see pass me by.  They too are living life.  This stressful world we live in is wonderful, difficult, and absurd all at the same time.

The things that happen to us, part of me believes that there is a reason for everything, but the other side of that coin is that there must be some level of chaos, of unpredictability.  I get lost in it all, but I also think that is the point of life as well.  People talk of thriving, of never having a care in the world.  I am content right now to keep my head afloat, and in a few weeks or months I will be sailing again on the choppy and wonderfully unpredictable sea of life.

One last thing… something my father once told me.  There are always choices.  You can do anything you want to.  You just need to do it.  People travel the world on less money than I have, they build wonders and write of their adventures.  There are very few real excuses to be made.  Me?  I will take life one day at a time, but with my eye on my goals.  I never want to lose sight of my dreams entirely.  So next time the waves cover my head, I will remember that the surface is above me, all I need to do is swim back up to it.  Sometimes easier said than done, but that is indeed life.

Key West, FL Motorcycle Trip April 2010

So I took a trip with 2 of my co-workers to Key West.  It was 806 miles round trip and it was amazing.  I saw so many wonderful things and had a blast riding through such awe inspiring terrain.  Here are some photos of my trip, I hope you can get a taste of what I saw.  Oh and all was good until the last 20 miles when the rain hit me 😦  It was pretty bad, but lucky for me it was at the very end of my trip.

So, we made some art







Here are the works of art my kids and I have made

Rough Weeks behind me…

It is odd what the world brings.  What life will deliver to you.  Odd how hard life can be.  Regardless of what you have on your plate as an adult you are never able to shirk your responsibility to your children.  Grin and bare it is what I do.  When you feel like life has raked you over the coals you don’t let the hurt show in your face as you hold your children.  They will learn soon enough on the grand scale that life is not fair, so in the meanwhile you spare them those hardships that keep you awake at night.

You can see broken people everyday, hell, I see one every time I look in the mirror but life goes on and you show your children that you love them every way you can.  I have gone through mediation with my ex and I am still alive and ticking, a little worse for wear but still up and walking.  On top of all that there will always be the ghosts of Iraq that seem to haunt me from my time in the Army.

I am not trying to bring any of you down, I am just speaking from my heart, telling you where my head is and my priorities.  Regardless of all that is said and done, your children are your priorities.  I will have mine this coming weekend and we will have a good time, a smile will be on my face and it will come naturally.  They will always make me smile, the best I do will never be good enough, but the love I have for my kids is genuine and in that I am content.

Sick Children

Have you ever worried about your sick child? I’m sure you have.   My son has been throwing up all morning long.  He is finally able to keep some fluids down and I feel like I have won a battle.  Any parent knows this fight I speak of.  But it isn’t until you are again in the middle of it that you really remember how bad it can be.  The worry, the fretting, the constant looking up of symptoms until you are sure that you have whatever ills your child under control.

I wish all of you a happy easter and I hope my son is feeling better for Sunday.

Last weekend Photos

From Saturday at the Air Fest

I probably shouldn’t have gone considering how I feel now that it is Sunday night, but here are the pics: